
¡Bienvenidos Parkinson Team! Nuestro objetivo es la difusión de información de calidad sobre la enfermedad de Parkinson. Parkinson Team también pretende compartir las opiniones, impresiones y vivencias de las personas vinculadas a la enfermedad de Parkinson. Espero vuestra participación. Un abrazo a todos, Sonia


Welcome to Parkinson Team! Our goal is the diffusion of quality information on Parkinson's disease. Parkinson Team also intends to share opinions, impressions and experiences of people linked to Parkinson's disease. I expect your participation. A big hug to everyone, Sonia

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

La falta de vitamina D podría preceder al párkinson

Una investigación reciente señala que la falta de vitamina D es común entre los que tienen parkinsonismo precoz, aunque los niveles de la vitamina no se reducen a medida que avanza la enfermedad.
"La insuficiencia de vitamina D se ha relacionado con varios trastornos clínicos y enfermedades crónicas, como dificultades del equilibrio, reducción de la fortaleza muscular, disfunción cognitiva y del estado de ánimo, trastornos autoinmunes como esclerosis múltiple y diabetes (tipo 1 y 2) y ciertas formas de cáncer", comentaron los autores del estudio como información de apoyo a su investigación. "Se ha informado que la insuficiencia de vitamina D es más común en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson que en sujetos control sanos, aunque no está claro si tener una enfermedad crónica que reduzca la movilidad contribuya a esta prevalencia relativamente elevada".
Los investigadores examinaron a 157 personas con enfermedad de Parkinson precoz sin tratar y hallaron que el 69.4 por ciento tenía alguna deficiencia de vitamina D, mientras que el 26.1 por ciento tenía deficiencia de vitamina D al comienzo del estudio.
"En la última visita del estudio, estos porcentajes cayeron a 51.6 por ciento y 7 por ciento, respectivamente", escribieron la Dra. Marian L. Evatt y sus colegas de la Facultad de medicina de la Universidad de Emory y del Centro Médico de Veterans Affairs de Atlanta.
El estudio ha sido publicado en la edición de marzo de la revista Archives of Neurology.
"Contrario a lo que esperábamos, que los niveles de vitamina D podrían reducirse con el tiempo por inactividad relacionada con la enfermedad y menor exposición a la luz solar, los niveles de vitamina D aumentaron durante el estudio", escribieron los investigadores.
"Estos hallazgos coinciden con la posibilidad de que la insuficiencia prolongada de vitamina D esté presente antes que las manifestaciones clínicas de la enfermedad de Parkinson y podrían tener que ver con su patogénesis", agregaron.

Vitamin D Insufficiency High Among Patients With Early Parkinson Disease

Patients with a recent onset of Parkinson disease have a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency, but vitamin D concentrations do not appear to decline during the progression of the disease, according to a report in the March issue of Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Vitamin D is now considered a hormone that regulates a number of physiological processes. "Vitamin D insufficiency has been associated with a variety of clinical disorders and chronic diseases, including impaired balance, decreased muscle strength, mood and cognitive dysfunction, autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes (types 1 and 2), and certain forms of cancer," the authors write as background information in the article. "Vitamin D insufficiency has been reported to be more common in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) than in healthy control subjects, but it is not clear whether having a chronic disease causing reduced mobility contributes to this relatively high prevalence."
Marian L. Evatt, M.D., M.S., of Emory University School of Medicine and the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and colleagues examined the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in untreated patients with early PD, diagnosed within five years of entry into the study. They conducted a survey study of vitamin D status in stored blood samples from patients with PD who were enrolled in the placebo group of the Deprenyl and Tocopherol Antioxidative Therapy of Parkinsonism (DATATOP) trial.
The authors found a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in 157 study participants with early, untreated PD. At the baseline visit, most study participants (69.4 percent) had vitamin D insufficiency and more than a quarter (26.1 percent) had vitamin D deficiency. "At the end point/final visit, these percentages fell to 51.6 percent and 7 percent, respectively."
"Contrary to our expectation that vitamin D levels might decrease over time because of disease-related inactivity and reduced sun exposure, vitamin D levels increased over the study period," the authors write. "These findings are consistent with the possibility that long-term insufficiency is present before the clinical manifestations of PD and may play a role in the pathogenesis of PD."
Vitamin D insufficiency in patients with early PD was similar or higher than the prevalence reported in previous studies.
"We confirm a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in patients with recent onset of PD, during the early clinical stages in which patients do not require symptomatic therapy," the authors conclude. "Furthermore, vitamin D concentrations did not decrease but instead increased slightly over the course of follow-up. This provides evidence that during early PD, vitamin D concentrations do not decrease with disease progression."

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